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FAQ for MOKKOJI KOREA in Uzbekistan

2022. 08. 26


(Tez-tez so’radilagan savollar)

1. Konsert chiptasisiz eksperimentlar dasturida qatnasha olamanmi?
Ha, qatnasha olasiz. Eksperiment zonalariga kirish bepul va ular ochiq vaqti istalgan vaqtda kirishingiz mumkin.
Barchangizni kutib qolamiz!

2. Bir vaqtning o’zida bir nechta tadbir(K-POP raqs tanlovi, go‘zallik darsi, HIGH-FIVE va boshqalar)ga ariza berish mumkinmi?
Mumkin. Faqat 1ta tadbirga bir necha marta ariza berish mumkin emas.

3. Akkauntimni butunlay o’chirgan bo’lsam, o’sha email bilan yana qaytadan veb-saytda ro’yxatdan o’tsam bo’ladimi?
Endi siz avval foydalangan emailingiz bilan qayta ro'yxatdan o'tishingiz mumkin.

4. Men o’zbek bo'lmasam ham yoki O'zbekistonda istiqomat qilmasam ham chiptaga ariza topshira olamanmi?
Ariza topshira olasiz. Mokkoji Koreya hamma uchun ochiq va chet elliklar uchun ham chipta yutib olishda hech qanday cheklovlar yo’q.

5. Konsert chiptalariga qanday ariza berishim mumkin?
Siz 1, 2 va 3-ariza sanalarida Mokkoji rasmiy veb-saytining chipta sahifasida ariza topshirishingiz mumkin. Biroq, ariza topshirayotganda ma'lumotlaringizni to'g'ri  kiriting. Chiptaga ariza berish sanasidan oldin veb-saytda ro'yxatdan o'tishingizni tavsiya qilamiz!

6. Konsertga chiptalar soni nechta? 
Mokkoji konsertiga umumiy chiptalar soni 3000taga yaqin.

7. Mokkoji kontsertiga kirish chiptasi qancha turadi?
Mokkoji kontsertiga kirish chiptasi "bepul" va kirish uchun chiptaga ariza topshirishingiz va qur'a tashlashda chiptani yutib olishingiz kerak.

8. Konsert chiptasini yutib olsam, shaxsimni faqat pasportim bilan tekshirish mumkinmi?
Iltimos, ismingiz va fotosuratingiz aniq ko'rsatilgan hujjatlarni (pasport, ID, haydovchilik guvohnomasi, talabalik guvohnomasi va boshqalar) olib keling. Vaucherni biletga faqat g'olibning o'zigina almashtira oladi.

9. Konsert chiptasini olish uchun ariza topshirayotganda ismim bilan ro'yxatdan o'ta olmayapman.
Akkountingiz ma'lumotlaridagi ismni o’zingizning haqiqiy ismingizga o'zgartiring va qayta ro'yxatdan o'tishga urinib ko'ring.
Shaxsiy hujjatda ko’rsatilgan ismingiz bilan bir xil bo’lishi kerak.

10. Chipta olish uchun ariza berishda ma'lumotlarimni noto'g'ri kiritdim. Uni tahrir qila olamanmi?
Chipta olish uchun ariza berishda taqdim etilgan(kiritilgan) ma'lumotlarni o'zgartirish qiyin.

11. Men Mokkoji kontsertida birinchi qatorga o'tirmoqchiman.
Konsertda joylar navbat bo‘yicha belgilanadi.  Vaucherni chiptaga almashtiriadigan kassaning ishlash vaqti : 24-SEN(SHAN) 10:00dan 18:00gacha,  25-SEN(YAK) 10:00dan 16:00gacha.


FAQ for MOKKOJI KOREA in Uzbekistan


1. Can I participate in experiential exhibition programs without the concert ticket?
Of course. The entrance fee of the experiential exhibition is free, and you can visit anytime during operating hours. Come N Joy!

2. Can I apply simultaneously for many events to recruit applicants (K-POP Dance Contest, Beauty Class, and High-Five)?
Yes, you can. But please refrain from multiple applications in one event. 

3. Can I rejoin with a withdrawn mail account? 
You can rejoin the 2022 MOKKOJI KOREA website with a withdrawn mail account from now on. 

4. Can I apply for the concert ticket if I am not from one of the Uzbekistan or don’t reside in Uzbekistan? 
You can. MOKKOJI KOREA is always open to anyone, and it doesn’t give disadvantage of ticket winning that you are a foreigner. 

5. How can I register a concert ticket? 
You can register on the TICKET page on MOKKOJI’s official website on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd ticketing dates. But please fill out the exact information while applying for the ticket. We recommend that you make an account on the website in advance before the ticketing date. 

6. How many MOKKOJI CONCERT tickets are there?
The total number of MOKKOJI CONCERT tickets is about 3,000. 

7. How much MOKKOJI CONCERT tickets are? 
MOKKOJI CONCERT tickets are free. After applying for the ticket and winning the lottery, you can participate in the concert. 

8. While winning the concert ticket, is possible to proceed identification process only with a passport? 
Please prepare a clearly displayed document that can verify your identity. (ex. passport, identification card, driver’s license and student ID, etc.) Only the winners themselves can exchange tickets. 

9. My name  cannot be registered while applying for the ticket. What should I do?
Change the name of your account information to your real name and try it again. It must be the name specified on your ID.

10. I filled out wrong information while applying for the ticket. Can I modify it? 
The information submitted when applying for the ticket cannot be modified.

11. How can I get the front-row seat for the MOKKOJI CONCERT?
The concert seats are arranged on a first-come, first-serve basis. The operation hour of the ticket booth is 24 SEP (Sat) 10AM - 6PM UZT, 25 SEP (Sun) 10AM - 4PM UZT.

