MOKKOJI KOREA Privacy policy Terms and conditions Contact Us
B-216, DMC High-tech Industry Center, 330, Seongam-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 03920 Rep. of KOREA
Tel. +82.2.3445.3972/3977 Fax. +82.2.3446.7023 Email.
Copyright © 2020 MOKKOJI KOREA, All rights reserved.
Mokkoji Korea establishes and discloses Personal Information Management Policies by Article 30 of the Personal Information Protection Act, protects the personal information of a subject of information, and handles that grievances related to this matter can be dealt with quickly smoothly as follows:1. Collection and Retention of Personal Information
A. Mokkoji Korea collects and retains personal information only with the consent of a subject of information and with the provisions of Acts and subordinate statutes. The main personal information files collect and retain by Mokkoji Korea, which is based on the provisions of Acts and subordinate statutes as follows: · Collected by: Mokkoji Korea Website ( · Required Information: Name, Region, date of birth, email address, and password · Purpose of Retention: Signing up and Sending a newsletter · Basis of Retention: Terms of service and consent of a subject of information · Period of Retention: two(2) years (Delete the information immediately upon rejection of the letter.) B. Automatically Saved And Collected Information When Using The Website The following information is automatically collected and saved for statistical analysis to improve and supplement the website and provide seamless communication between users and websites. - The IP Address of users' domain, cookies, service usage, and date of the visit may be generated and collected during service use. - Users’ browser type and OS. C. Storing of Information Under Relevant Acts If it is necessary to store the users' information under relevant Acts, the information shall be kept for a certain period as prescribed by the rules made under the relevant Acts. In this case, the stored information is used only for storage. D. Inquiries Regarding Personal Information · Mokkoji Korea CS Team (Contact: +82.2.3445.3972/3977, Mokkoji Korea strives to ensure the safe management of user personal information required by the relevant Acts, for it shall not be infringed the rights and interests. However, please note that it be partially disclosed following the relevant Acts.2. Use · Provision of Personal Information
A. Third-Party Provisions Mokkoji Korea does not use and provide users' prior personal information to any third party beyond the notification or consent; however, Mokkoji Korea shall provide no personal information unless demanded by applicable Acts or the other Acts. B. Entrustment of Personal Information Cases when personal information managed by Mokkoji Korea is entrusted to other public institutions or other specialized institutions: Mokkoji Korea supervises and monitors the entrusted institutions to abide by Article 26 of the Personal Information Protection Act (Restrictions on Management of Personal Information Following Entrustment of Affairs). Moreover, the entrusted institutions must comply with the restrictions or procedures necessary under relevant Acts. Mokkoji Korea entrusts the current state of affairs of some personal information based on the Acts mentioned above and other cases law as follows: · Entrusted Company: TRUE COMMUNICATIONS CO.,LTD. · Personal Information List for Entrustment: User ID, password, name, email address, date of birth, and country. · Entrusted Operations (Purpose of consignment work): Website maintenance management and operation, including emailing service. · Retention and Usage Period of Personal Information: Until the member withdraws membership or the entrustment agreement term has expired. C. Restrictions on Service Use and Provision The personal information which Mokkoji Korea retained and collected, being restricted for usage and provision under strict control. [Personal Information Protection Act] Article 18 (Restrictions on Use and Provision of Personal Information for Any Purpose Other than Intended Ones) stipulates the following about exceptions. 1. Where he/she has obtained separate consent of a subject of information. 2. Where special provisions exist in any other Act. 3. Where it is deemed obviously necessary for physical safety and property interests of a subject of information or a third person when the subject of information or his/her legal representative cannot give prior consent as he/she is unable to express his/her intention or by reason of his/her unidentified address, etc. 4. Where personal information is necessary for compiling statistics, or scientific research purposes, etc., and the personal information is provided in a form by which a specific individual cannot be identified. 5. Where using personal information for any purpose other than the intended purpose or a failure to provide a third person with such information makes it impossible to perform affairs provided for in any other Act, and this has undergone deliberation and resolution by the Protection Committee. 6. Where it is necessary for providing a foreign government or international organization with personal information in order to implement a treaty or any other international agreement. 7. Where it is necessary for investigating a crime, and instituting and sustaining a public prosecution 8. Where it is necessary for a court to perform its judicial affairs. 9. Where it is necessary for executing a punishment, care, and custody or protective disposition.3. Destruction of Personal Information
The users’ personal information is to be destroyed immediately once the purpose of the collection and use of personal information is fulfilled. Mokkoji Korea's procedure and method of destruction are as follows: A. Procedure of Destruction - The information entered by the user for Signing up is immediately destroyed to an un-restorable state once the purpose is fully served following the reason for information protection by internal policy and other related relevant Acts. - This personal information is not used for any purpose other than to be retained except by Acts. B. The Method of Destruction - Personal information printed on paper is destroyed through Paper Shredding or Incineration - Personal information stored in an electronic file is deleted using a technical method that cannot be replayed.4. Rights of Subjects of Information
[Personal Information Protection Act] According to Chapter V: Guaranteeing rights of Subjects of Information, a subject of the information has the following rights about personal information processing. 1. Inspection of Personal Information 2. Correction or Deletion of Personal Information 3. Suspension, etc. from Managing Personal Information 4. Methods and Procedures of Exercising Rights 5. Liability to Compensate for Damage5. Request for Inspection, Correction, Deletion, and Suspension of Personal Information
[Personal Information Protection Act] According to Article 35 (Inspection of Personal Information), Article 36 (Correction or Deletion of Personal Information), Article 37 (Suspension, etc. from Managing Personal Information), a subject of information may request the inspection, correction, deletion, and suspension retained by Mokkoji Korea. · Department: Mokkoji Korea CS Team A. Inspection of Personal Information Personal information files retained by Mokkoji Korea may be requested to inspection only by oneself as prescribed by the Personal Information Protection Act and the Rules made under the relevant Acts and, and the procedure of request as follows:6. Report for Personal Information Breach
Where the case of violation or breach caused by the collection, usage, provision, and entrustment of personal information that either is not based on Acts or without the consent from a subject of the information, while using Mokkoji Korea Website, or if it is found the rights of a subject of information could be violated such as the possibility of leakage of personal information, you can report it in the following way. Otherwise, you can report to the following Report Center for Personal Information Breach operated by the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs under Article 62 (Reporting, etc. Facts of Infringements) of the Personal Information Protection Act. - KISA Report Center for Personal Information Breach (, Contact: 118)7. Measure for Securing The Safety of Personal Information
In handling users' personal information, Mokkoji Korea is proactive in the following technical/administrative measures to secure the safety, so that it is not a loss, theft, leakage, falsification, and damage to personal information. A. Password Is Being Encrypted. Users' passwords are encrypted and stored and managed; therefore, only the user can know the password. It is also possible to change and verify personal information only by the user who knows the password. B. Countermeasure Against Hacking, etc. Mokkoji Korea is trying our best to prevent users' personal information from being leaked and damaged through acts of hacking or computer viruses. Personal information is frequently back up regularly as preemptive measures against potential damage to personal information, while the latest vaccine programs are used to prevent such leakage or damage. We are trying to transmit personal information safely via the network through the encoded communications system. Furthermore, we also use firewall systems to control unauthorized access from the external network, and we strive to be equipped with technical devices to ensure security in other systems. C. Employees That Trained Handle Personal Information Are Kept to A Minimum. Employees who handle personal information in Mokkoji Korea have designated and limited those in charge of the Responsible Manager and administer the password is regularly updated. Mokkoji Korea continuously stresses that protecting personal information following Mokkoji Korea's Privacy Policy is its utmost priority by training employees who handle personal information regularly. D. Operates A Separate Organization Mokkoji Korea frequently checks the Privacy Policy's implementation and compliance with the person in charge and strives to correct and correct if any problems are found. However, Mokkoji Korea shall not be held responsible for any problems caused by the leakage of personal information such as user ID and password due to the users’ carelessness or internet problems.8. Method Of Remedy For Infringement Of Rights And Interests
A subject of personal information can inquire about damage remedy and counseling regarding personal information infringement. The following institution below is separate from Mokkoji Korea, so please contact us if you are not satisfied with Mokkoji Korea's own personal information complaint handling, damage remedy results, or need more help. KISA Report Center for Personal Information Breach: Report of personal information infringement and request for consultation · Website address: (Contact: Toll-free 118) · Address: (05717) KISA Report Center for Personal Information Breach, 135, Jungdae-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea KOPICO The Korean Pinnacle Correspondence: Request for Personal Information Dispute Mediation, Collective Dispute Resolution (Settle only civil case) · Website address: 02-405-4710) · Address: (05717) KOPICO, 135, Jungdae-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea Cyber Crime Investigation, Supreme Prosecutors' Office · Website address: (Contact: Toll free 1301) Cyber Terror Response Center, National Police Agency · Website address: (Contact: Toll free 182)9. Chief Privacy Officer & Responsible Personnel
Mokkoji Korea Privacy Protection Officer: Administrative Control Manager / Website Master - Email: - Contact : +82-2-3445-3972/3977 - Address: B-216, DMC High-tech Industry Center, 330, Seongam-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 03920 Rep. of KOREA10. Amendment to the Privacy Policy
A. This Privacy Policy shall take effect from 2021. 08. 23.TERMS AND CONDITIONS
Chapter 1. General Rules
Article 1. (Purpose) o This Terms of Service prescribes the rights, duties, and responsibilities of Mokkoji Korea and users required to use the Internet-related Service provided by Mokkoji Korea (hereinafter referred to as "service"). Article 2. (Effect and Modification of Terms and Conditions) ① This Terms of Service shall enter into force by posted on the service menu and Mokkoji Korea. ② The Company, Mokkoji Korea, can modify this Terms and Conditions within the scope, not contravening the relevant laws and regulations such as the Framework Act on Electronic Commerce, Electronic Signature Act, and the law regarding the promotion of information and communication network use. In such a case, the effective date and reason for the revision shall be notified on the initialized page of Mokkoji Korea with the current term from seven (7) days before the effective date to the day before the application date. ③ If this company revises Terms of Service, the modified term shall be submitted to members before the revision unless the revised contents violate relevant laws and regulations. It also applies to members who have signed up before. Article 3. (Application of Terms) o Any matters that are not prescribed in this Terms of Service shall be subject to e-commerce consumer protection guidelines, related statutes, and the terms and conditions established by the government. Article 4. (Definition of Terms) ① The Terms herein shall be defined as follows: 1. "Service" refers to online services such as content and community provided on the Internet, apart from the access function that Mokkoji Korea offers users to the Internet. 2. "Online Service User" refers to a person who has signed a contract with Mokkoji Korea and has been given a user ID to receive the service. 3. "Use Contract" refers to the issuance of "User ID" for the Mokkoji Korea online service to receive the service. 4. "User ID" refers to a combination of letters and numbers selected by online service users and given by Mokkoji Korea to identify online service users and the use of online service customers. 5. "Password" refers to a combination of letters and numbers selected by online service users to ensure that the online service user is the same user ID as the user ID granted and to protect the rights and interests of the user. ② Except paragraph 1, the definitions of terminologies used in this term shall be governed by the relevant laws and regulations.Chapter 2. Service Agreement
Article 5. (Classification of Service) ① The services provided by Mokkoji Korea to online service users are classificated by contents on the Internet, community services, sections for members, and other services that Mokkoji Korea develops on itself or provides to members through cooperation contracts with business partners. ② The type and contents of the service are determined distinctively by Mokkoji Korea's terms and conditions of each service and the guidance. Article 6. (Application for Use) ① User who wants to use the service (hereinafter referred to as "application customer") must be required to fill out the online application form provided by Mokkoji Korea right and accurate information about yourself. If the false statement of fact is discovered, the company will enforce the service use contract. ② For the user to register as a member, the user must agree to the contents of these terms and conditions and be part of the agreement. Article 7 (Approval of Application for Use) o Mokkoji Korea consents using the service when the user applying for use accurately fills out all the details following the application form and agrees to the terms and conditions under Article 6. Applications for use are processed in the order. Article 8 (Disapproved and Limitation of Application for Use) ① Mokkoji Korea may withhold or refuse its approval on the use regarding a case falls under any of the following subparagraphs. 1. If you have applied for it using the identity of another person. 2. If you attached a false document. 3. If you applied for against public order and safety or offense against public morals. 4. If User's application for other reasons shall be deniable for his/her attributable reason. ② If the application for the use of the service falls under one of the following subparagraphs, Mokkoji Korea may reserve the consent until the reasons for the approval are dissolved. 1. If Mokkoji Korea does not have sufficient facilities. 2. If there is a technical obstacle in Mokkoji Korea. 3. If there is a service disruption. 4. If it is difficult to approve the use due to other company's attributable reason. ③ Mokkoji Korea shall notify the reason for the application restriction of approval and the term of acceptance by email in the method prescribed in the provision 2. Article 9 (Granting or Modifying administration permissions to User ID) o Mokkoji Korea shall issue Member IDs for Members as outlined in this Terms of Service. Membership ID can not be changed under any circumstance. Except for Mokkoji Korea allows and changes the user number.Chapter 3. Obligation of Contracting Parties
Article 10 (Obligation of Mokkoji Korea) ① Mokkoji Korea can not divulge or distribute the information of users acquired in connection with the provision of services to others without the prior consent of the user. However, this is excluded when there is a request for the purpose of the investigation by the Korea Internet Safety Commission or related organizations (police/prosecutors). ② Mokkoji Korea will repair the equipment without delay when there is a reason for the failure or loss of the equipment to provide continuous and stable service. However, if an uncontrollable state occurred, including a natural disaster or emergency, the company shall suspend temporarily or stop the service. ③ Mokkoji Korea may send out via email or SMS various information, including notices and advertisements to users who consent to the reception. Article 11 (Obligation of the Users) ① The user shall notify Mokkoji Korea immediately or when any change is made to the agreement including address, phone number, and others or change it him/herself. ② Users shall not engage in any of the following acts against public order and safety or offense against public morals. 1. In case of purpose for a criminal act or criminal solicitation. 2. In case of intent for anti-national activity. 3. In case of threatening public order and other public morals.Chapter 4. Service Use
Article 12 (Service Hours) ① The service is operated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, as long as there are no particular business or technical difficulties in Mokkoji Korea. However, the company shall not do so on the company's day or time for periodic system inspection, temporary inspection, expansion, and replacement. ② Mokkoji Korea can divide the service into specific ranges and specify the available hours separately for each range by giving advance notice. Article 13 (Management of the User ID) ① User is responsible for the management of service member ID and password. ② All responsibilities for using the service caused by the negligence of issued ID and passwords or the third party's illegal use are under the user. However, this is not the case if it is due to the company's fault or the reasons recognized by the company. Article 14 (Preservation of Documentaries) o If a specific period for posting is set, we ask the users who want to keep the data and email beyond the designated period to manage the important files on their own. Article 15 (Management of Post) ① Mokkoji Korea shall delete, move data, or reject a registration at its discretion if a case falls under any of the following subparagraphs. 1. Where a post to impair or disadvantage others' honor by slandering or mud-slinging. 2. Where a post against public order and safety or offense against public morals. 3. Where a post related a crime act. 4. Where a post infringes the copyright of a third party or other rights. 5. If the user didn't take action under Article 15 within a considerable time, even after the stipulated period by Mokkoji Korea. 6. Upload lewd materials on the bulletin board or connect (link) harmful sites. 7. Upload unnecessary or unauthorized advertisements, promotions, or "Junk Mail", "Spam", "Chail Letters", or sales pitch "Multi-level Marketing(MLM)”. 8. Where a post violated other related laws or has its possibility. ② Mokkoji Korea shall notify the user of the reason who refuses to delete, move, or register data under provision 1. However, this may not be the case in difficult circumstances. Article 16 (Copyright of Post) ① The copyright of the member's registered post belongs to the corresponding copyright holder. The copyright of the member's registered post belongs to the corresponding copyright holder. Hence, users are responsible for any problems caused by uploaded posts by themselves. ② Mokkoji Korea can not use posts without permission of the copyright holder for-profit. Article 17 (Service Addition or Change) o If the service contents are added or changed and necessary for use change, the service information shall be posted or notified by Mokkoji Korea. Article 18 (Responsible for Service Using) o Users can not conduct business activities such as direct sales of products using the service, except as otherwise permitted by Mokkoji Korea. In particular, hacking, advertising, earning money, commercial activities through pornographic websites, and illegal retail software distribution are not allowed. Mokkoji Korea is not responsible for the consequences and losses of business activities in violation of arrests by related agencies.Chapter 5. Restriction or Suspension of the Service
Article 19 (Restriction or Suspension of the Business) o Mokkoji Korea shall restrict or suspend all services in the case of war, accident, natural disaster, or national emergency, and other unavoidable reasons, such as the suspension of telecommunication services by a key telecommunications service provider under the Telecommunications Business Act. Article 20 (Restriction of Use) ① Mokkoji Korea may cancel the contract or delete the post or restrict or suspend the use of all or part of the service if the service details of the Internet service customers fall under any of the following. However, we need to notify the customers who use the Internet service in advance. Still, if necessary, we can restrict the use immediately. 1. Where a customer using an online service fails to fulfill his/her obligations under provision 1 of Article 6, provision 1 of Article 11, and provision 2 of Article 11. 2. Transmit any information, in bad faith, that can interfere or impede a stable Service operation or any commercial information or Spam Mails against the recipient's explicit refusal of reception. 3. Register or circulate computer viruses to cause malfunction of telecommunication equipment or destroy and disrupt information. 4. Violate intellectual property rights of others or a third party. 5. The user received an authoritative interpretation from the National Election Commission regarding illegal electioneering or a request for correction by other agencies such as the Korea Internet Safety Commission. 6. Using other's personal information, user ID, and passwords in an inappropriate way. 7. Where information obtained using the service information is reproduced, distributed, or used commercially without consent of Mokkoji Korea in advance. 8. Where the user posts obscene materials on a club or bulletin board, or links to pornographic websites. 9. Violate the relevant legislation, such as electricity and communications laws. ② If there is no record of signing into or accessing the service over a year, in that case, Mokkoji Korea shall delete the user's information after notifying via email. Article 21 (Restrict and Release of Use) ① Where users hack, illegally distribute, and operate S/W, introduce gambling/porn, or advertise for-profits, Mokkoji Korea shall immediately terminate without notifying the users. ② Users using the service or their substitute who has been notified of the suspension of use under provision 1 of Article 20 can request an objection when they have a complaint to the notification. ③ Mokkoji Korea shall temporarily postpone received objection under provision 2 until the period for confirmation thereof. The result is notified to the user or their substitutes. ④ Mokkoji Korea shall immediately withdraw the suspension of use if the reason for the suspension is verified to have been resolved during that period.Chapter 6. Prohibition of Transfer
Article 22 (Prohibition of transfer) o Users can not transfer or give the right to use the service or other status of use contract to another person and can not provide it as collateral.Chapter 7. Damages and Indemnification
Article 23 (Damages and Indemnification) ① The Company shall not be liable for any damages unless on the attributable reason. ② Mokkoji Korea is not involved in any transactions or employment through Mokkoji Korea, resolving through mutual agreement between the seller and the buyer, in principle. ③ In case of any disputes arising out of or related to use of the Service between the Parties concerned, Mokkoji Korea may file a lawsuit to a competent court under the Civil Procedure Act. Article 24 (Indemnity) ① If a member has suffered damage by trusting the accuracy of information, data, and facts posted by other members. ② If the service can not be provided due to force majeure such as exhibition, affairs, natural disasters, or national emergency, which is temporarily stopped due to inevitable reasons. such as maintenance, Responsibility for the company's service provision is waived. In this case, Mokkoji Korea shall notify the users under Article 2 of this Terms of Service. ③ Mokkoji Korea shall take no responsibility for any loss occurred by attributable reason of users. Supplementary Provisions o About the Service, Mokkoji Korea must not assure or guarantee any specific matters that are not prescribed in this Terms and Conditions. o Mokkoji Korea shall not be held responsible for any problems caused by Internet service users downloading S/W, using email accounts provided by Mokkoji Korea, or using information acquired through online services. o Mokkoji Korea can delete the user number in the event of a recurrence and request legal action for users to send commercial advertisements, Multi-level Marketing(MLM), swearing, slandering, and sending emails against the receiver's will. o Mokkoji Korea can immediately delete the user ID without warning and request legal action to the related agencies under a reason for online service customers to send a large amount of mail using the automatic mail transmission program, illegal S/W, sales of obscene CDs, or mails that infringe on an other's right. This Agreement will be effective to “Service Users” or New subscribers on from Aug 23, 2021.