K-Lifestyle Playground where you can find and share the Korean lifestyle and culture.
DATE24th September 2022 (SAT) 10AM - 6PM(UZT)
25th September 2022 (SUN) 10AM - 4PM(UZT)
DATE24th Sep 2022 (SAT) 10AM - 6PM (UZT)
25th Sep 2022 (SUN) 10AM - 4PM (UZT)
There is a chance to receive concert tickets by attending events at exhibitions during the festival.
On 25th September (SUN), all exhibition programs will be closed at 4:00 pm.
The audiences for the MOKKOJI CONCERT may enter to the hall from 5:00 pm.
MINI STAGE is special performance stage where not only Korean artists and local influencers but also local Hallyu fans perform together.
DAY 1 ┃ 24 SEP (SAT)
10:00 ~ 10:30 | |
10:30 ~ 11:00 | K-Lifestyle and Culture 'OX Quiz' Game |
11:00 ~ 11:30 | K-Beauty Class ‘Bia Shin’ |
11:30 ~ 12:00 | |
12:00 ~ 12:30 | |
12:30 ~ 13:00 | |
13:00 ~ 13:30 | The Final of K-POP Dance Contest |
13:30 ~ 14:00 | |
14:00 ~ 14:30 | |
14:30 ~ 15:00 | K-POP Mini Concert ‘Won Sub Song’ |
15:00 ~ 15:30 | K-Lifestyle and Culture ‘Mini-Talk’ |
15:30 ~ 16:00 | |
16:00 ~ 16:30 | Chef Invited Cooking Class 'Chef, Minwook Cha’ |
16:30 ~ 17:00 | |
17:00 ~ 17:30 | Lucky Draw for K-POP Goods |
17:30 ~ 18:00 | K-POP Random play Dance |
DAY 2 ┃ 25 SEP (SUN)
10:00 ~ 10:30 | |
10:30 ~ 11:00 | K-Lifestyle and Culture 'OX Quiz' Game |
11:00 ~ 11:30 | HI-FIVE Ⅰ – F.able |
11:30 ~ 12:00 | |
12:00 ~ 12:30 | |
12:30 ~ 13:00 | |
13:00 ~ 13:30 | HI-FIVE Ⅱ - Ailee |
13:30 ~ 14:00 | |
14:00 ~ 14:30 | K-POP Mini Concert ‘Won Sub Song’ |
14:30 ~ 15:00 | K-Beauty Class ‘Bia Shin’ |
15:00 ~ 15:30 | |
15:30 ~ 16:00 | Lucky Draw for K-POP Goods |
※ This schedule is subject to change.
MOKKOJI KITCHEN is a space where people can enjoy popular Korean food.
MOKKOJI SQUARE is a space where local Hallyu fans can enjoy and experience diverse Korean culture such as K-drama, webtoons, games, and more.
MOKKOJI MARKET is a space where Korean enterprises and institutions in Uzbekistan present and promote their products.
Tomoshabinlar K-Lifestyle oʻyin maydonchasida koreyslarning turmush tarzi va madaniyatidan bahramand boʻlishlari mumkin.
SANA2022-yil 24-sentyabr (shan) 10AM - 6PM(UZT)
2022-yil 25-sentyabr (yak) 10AM - 4PM(UZT)
Mokkoji konsert chiptasini MINI STAGE(KICHKINA SAHNA)dagi “OX VIKTORINA O'YINI” va MOKKOJI SQUARE(MOKKOJI MAYDONI)da qatnashib yutib olishingiz mumkin.
25-sentyabr (yak) kuni soat 16:00da barcha ko'rgazma dasturlari 18:00 da boshlanadigan MOKKOJI KONSERTI uchun yopiladi va barcha tomoshabinlar soat 17:00 dan boshlab qaytadan kirishadi.
MINI STAGE (KICHKINA SAHNA) - bu nafaqat koreys artistlari, balki mahalliy Hallyu muxlislari ham birgalikda yaratadigan sahnadir.
DAY 1 ┃ 24 SEP (shan)
Vaqti | PROGRAM |
10:00 ~ 10:30 | |
10:30 ~ 11:00 | K-Hayot tarzi va madaniyati "OX Viktorina" o'yini |
11:00 ~ 11:30 | K-Go'zallik darsi "Bia Shin" |
11:30 ~ 12:00 | |
12:00 ~ 12:30 | |
12:30 ~ 13:00 | |
13:00 ~ 13:30 | K-POP raqs tanlovining final bosqichi |
13:30 ~ 14:00 | |
14:00 ~ 14:30 | |
14:30 ~ 15:00 | K-POP kichkina konserti 'Won Sub Song' |
15:00 ~ 15:30 | Hallyu hayot tarzi va madaniyati ‘Qisqa suhbat’ |
15:30 ~ 16:00 | |
16:00 ~ 16:30 | Oshpaz ishtirokidagi pazandachilik darsi 'Oshpaz-Minwook Cha' |
16:30 ~ 17:00 | |
17:00 ~ 17:30 | K-POP buyumlarini yutish uchun LOTOREYA |
17:30 ~ 18:00 | K-POP Raqslari |
DAY 2 ┃ 25 SEP (yak)
Vaqti | PROGRAM |
10:00 ~ 10:30 | |
10:30 ~ 11:00 | K-Hayot tarzi va madaniyati "OX Viktorina" o'yini |
11:00 ~ 11:30 | HI-FIVE Ⅰ – F.able |
11:30 ~ 12:00 | |
12:00 ~ 12:30 | |
12:30 ~ 13:00 | |
13:00 ~ 13:30 | HI-FIVE Ⅱ - Ailee |
13:30 ~ 14:00 | |
14:00 ~ 14:30 | K-POP kichkina konserti 'Won Sub Song' |
14:30 ~ 15:00 | K-Go'zallik darsi 'Bia Shin' |
15:00 ~ 15:30 | |
15:30 ~ 16:00 | K-POP buyumlarini yutish uchun LOTOREYA |
※ This schedule is subject to change.
MOKKOJI OSHXONASI - chet elda mashhur bo'lgan 5 ta koreys taomlarini sotish va tatib ko'rish orqali koreys taomlaridan bahramand bo'lishingiz mumkin bo'lgan joy.
MOKKOJI MAYDONCHASI - bu mahalliy Hallyu muxlislari to'g'ridan to'g'ri Hallyu hayoti va madaniyatidan bahramand bo'lishlari mumkin bo'lgan joy bo'lib, u yerda K-dramalarni, webtoon(animatsion multfilm)larni, kundalik hayotdagi o'yinlar va Koreyadagi asosiy sayyohlik joylarini ko'rishlari mumkin.
MOKKOJI BOZORI – O‘zbekistondagi Koreya kompaniyalari va tashkilotlari Koreyaning maishiy (turmush tarz uchun kerakli) buyumlarini targ'ib qiladigan va sotadigan joy.